Clean water for everyone! World Water Day 2024, March 22

Clean water for everyone! World Water Day 2024, March 22

#freshwater #globalwarming #humanrights #worldwaterday

Model: AIVision
Prompt:  A young African girl with dark skin is kneeling at a waterhole in the African savannah, drawing water with a calabash. The girl wears a white scarf decorated with green and gold accents with an intricate gold coin is attached to it. Her hair is styled in many thin, dark and decorated braids. The image is artistically designed and has a textured look with an abstract mix of cool blue tones, overlaid with touches of gold leaf and pale, intricate floral or lace patterns, with delicate hints of African acacia trees in the background giving it an ethereal feel. The overall atmosphere of the piece should be gentle and picturesque, with a mosaic of bright and soft colors highlighting the youthful innocence of the subject. Try (48)

More about Clean water for everyone! World Water Day 2024, March 22

World Water Day was created in 1993 to raise awareness of the importance of water and to draw attention to the 2 billion people who do not have access to clean drinking water.
World Water Day is an annual United Nations Observance – held on 22 March – focusing on the importance of freshwater.

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