
Cozy fantasy room with candles, books, and magical artifacts
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The dark haired dwarven woman disappears for a moment behind a pile of items, precariously topped with some sort of globe, and appears a few moments later with her arms full of inventions. "Now, for you." she says jovially, nodding at you and placing the load haphazardly on a nearby semi-empty surface then picking out a slightly tarnished silver item. She reaches up to you and with great care, fastens the silver cuff around your wrist. "Don't mess about until I've given you proper instruction, these are magical after all" she continues. Upon examination, you notice a shining white stone in the centre giving a subtle light, set into silver embossed with winding patterns. You nudge your companion, who also examines the cuff with great curiosity. They reach out to feel the smooth white stone at its centre. No sooner than their fingertip makes contact with the stone, they vanish from your view. A chaotic scene ensues, books flying wildly from nearby shelves, trinkets displayed on low tables strewn across the ground in a cacophony of clattering. Your other companions cover their ears, some yelping and leaping for cover. Finally your companion reappears on the ground with an enormous thud. After a shocked pause, the dwarven woman tips her head back and lets out a hearty raucous laugh, her pretty eyes creasing, "I told you not to mess about with them!" she chuckles, lending a hand to the fallen companion and pulling them swiftly to their feet. "That one's invisibility is unpredictable before you're attuned."


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