That’s A Moiré ...Garden

That’s A Moiré ...Garden
  • Bailey's Mom's avatar Artist
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    4d ago
  • Try (9)

More about That’s A Moiré ...Garden

A Request for your Consideration...
If you use a prompt I’ve created, please consider clicking “Try.” I can spend hours, days weeks, etc, creating a dream, thus countless “works in progress” - sometimes I need to reapproach with fresh eyes or wait for an “aha” moment of inspiration &/or fresh conceptual approach & return. Behind every dream submitted, there are lots of iterations. Dream ideas & prompts come from my head, heart, or I’ve been inspired. I vowed a long time ago for personal reasons to refrain from using chatgpt or sims for idea or prompt generation. I broke that vow on the monk recursion dream as I’d been trying unsuccessfully to create a dream of monks creating sand mandalas of monks creating sand mandalas of monks creating sand mandalas, I didn’t know to call it “infinite recursion.” For this dream, I queried names of artists that use moiré. On occasion I will submit a rambling long-ass prompt to have it condensed. AIVision is awesome. The cost in energy units is significantly higher & iterations add up quickly! I get it’s just a prompt or algorithm to most people, but I put a lot of time, money, energy, thought, ME into them, using my words & as someone whose profession & passion included writing prior to Long COVID changing my life, this is the only form of expression to which I have access. You don’t have to give credit but clicking ‘try it’ helps. A DDG member used a prompt of mine & wanted to let me know “try” was disabled. Their kindness inspired me to swallow my pride & make this request. Cheers, dreamers


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