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The running gag that is occasionally brought up is that the bard Tramma 'the Tramp' went to Saint Trinian's. Which might be an obscure reference to some, but always gets a laugh out of some of my players. She's got enough of a wild streak to fit right in. Even though she's around twenty, she quite often pops up in a school girl outfit for reasons nobody has ever really figured out.
Even better, she has a lot of the other women assisting the PCs doing the same, all showing up prim and proper and making a big show of acting like demure church school girls, which highly amuses their friend Sister Erin, a priestess who in fact taught such classes earlier in her career. Tramma and one or two of the others did indeed go to church schools, but most of them are either from a tribal culture which has no such concept, or they were from the 'wrong side of the tracks' and never had such luxuries. It is entirely possible that they like dressing up to amuse the priestess. And they all joke about the semi-mythical adventures of the Girls of Saint Trinian's, not quite sure whether Tramma is pulling their leg claiming there really IS such a school.
I've been using the image in the first few frames of this compilation to learn what you can accomplish with ProVideo. I was able to stitch these four together a bit more nicely for offline use, but it's still not bad this way. Made a few mistakes along the way, though there's things I like about all 4 clips. I'll probably post a longer version as I get more clips which fit together properly.