Halloween fear

Halloween fear
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More about Halloween fear

In the dark of night, when shadows dance,
Ghosts whisper secrets, in a haunted trance.
With ethereal grace, they glide through walls,
Memories of life, their haunting calls.

Ghouls lurk in corners, with eerie delight,
Feasting on fear, in the dead of night.
Their hollow eyes, devoid of soul,
Seeking solace in the stories untold.

Witches brew potions, with cauldrons ablaze,
Casting spells, in mysterious ways.
With flick of wrist and incantations profound,
They harness the magic, that lies all around.

Vampires, elegant and seductive, they roam,
Drinking crimson nectar, they call it home.
From veins they drain, the elixir of life,
Forever cursed, in eternal strife.

Warewolves, fierce and primal, under the moon,
Transforming their bodies, howling a tune.
Their instincts unleashed, wild and untamed,
A beast within, forever unnamed.

Yet beyond the tales, the myths, and the lore,
Exists a deeper truth, worth exploring more.
For these creatures of darkness, are reflections of us,
Our fears, desires, and the shadows we trust.

Ghosts, ghouls, witches, vampires, and warewolves,
They remind us of the darkness we cannot dissolve.
But in embracing our shadows, we find our light,
And discover the magic, hidden in plain sight.

So, when night falls and the moon shines bright,
Embrace the unknown, with all your might.
For in the realm of the supernatural and strange,
We uncover the beauty, that fear cannot change


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