Glossy Appeltree

Glossy Appeltree
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More about Glossy Appeltree

In a dream, I saw a tree,
A glossy apple tree, so free.
Its branches swirled in hues of gold,
A surreal sight, both strange and bold.

Its apples shone with lustrous sheen,
Like orbs of glass, a glossy scene.
Each one a gem, a brilliant treasure,
A fruit of wonder, beyond measure.

Its leaves were made of glistening glass,
Translucent, shimmering like a pass.
They whispered secrets in the breeze,
A symphony of surreal ease.

The tree stood tall, majestic, grand,
In a realm of dreams, a mystic land.
Its beauty held me in its spell,
A glossy apple tree, I knew so well.

But as I reached out to pluck a fruit,
I woke from slumber, feeling mute.
For in my world, the tree was gone,
A surreal dream, that I could fawn.

Yet, in my heart, the vision stayed,
Of a glossy apple tree, so well-made.
A reminder of the magic found,
In dreams surreal, where wonders abound.

Original dream by Lenhe


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