Black Holes from the Game of Creation series, part 6

Vibrant Cosmic Scene with Colorful Celestial Bodies
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More about Black Holes from the Game of Creation series, part 6

Chapter 8: The Black Hole Gambit

The Players could have left it at that—acknowledged the existence of dark matter and dark energy, made peace with the idea that their creations had unknown companions in the Void. But of course, being Players, they couldn’t resist tinkering.

Q, always the most daring, had an idea. “Let’s make use of this. What if we push the stars—no, the matter—to its limit? What if we make something so dense, it bends not only space but time itself? Let’s see if we can capture the darkness.”

The Players watched as Q compressed a star to the point where it collapsed in on itself, creating the first Black Hole. It was beautiful and terrifying all at once—a cosmic whirlpool that devoured everything around it, including the very light that had been the hallmark of their previous creations.

But something strange happened.

As Q’s black hole continued to pull in matter, it also began to emit something—tiny bursts of information, fragments of whatever it had consumed. Theta looked closely, her essence vibrating with curiosity.

“Wait…” she said, stunned. “It’s not just a hole. It’s… a gateway.”

Lambda, never one to miss an opportunity, leaned in. “A gateway to where?”

Q’s voice, for the first time, sounded uncertain. “I don’t know. Somewhere else.”


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