Trumpet's Blast - Numbers Chapter 10 Poem

Regal figure in ornate attire plays trumpet in desert setting
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More about Trumpet's Blast - Numbers Chapter 10 Poem

In Numbers Chapter 10, a trumpet's blast,
A call to gather, a signal so vast.
To move as one, a nation's call,
Following God's lead, standing tall.
The silver trumpets, held with care,
Their notes resounding in the air.
A call to march, a call to rest,
Guiding Israel on their quest.
With trumpet blasts, they journeyed on,
Led by God, their hope, their dawn.
A pillar of cloud, a pillar of fire,
Guiding them through every trial dire.
So let us heed the trumpet's call,
To follow God, both great and small.
With faith, we'll journey, day by day,
Guided by His light, come what may.


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