Massen und Nachbarschaft

Massen und Nachbarschaft
  • syture[/xgetras/ras]'s avatar Artist
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More about Massen und Nachbarschaft

A sudden loss of three planets was encountered in the ancient NSX system which had 9 planets and one binary star. The loss was correctly accounted for by an AI or caused by it in cooperation with an illegal commander. The annihilatory process in the corresponding star-system was however halted, so that 6 Planet-like structures remain. By chance, all three planets on which sentient species live were among the six intact planets. They were present at last observation-phase from CEST, 12-5-2024, earth. Form earth, alien-rnx sends its greetings to NSX. Last comment:
NSXα appears dim/lost.
Humans not answering my wishlist.
Still no progress in GBAWARIOLAND3.
So far, GBA Tetris Worlds was not destroyed.
GB Tetris was completely destroyed.
Several dozen Pokemon in critical condition due to unknown status of cache/battery.
The "Auto-fill text with AI" function on this website is illegal by alien computation-regulations. An alien which used human-made computers is therefore discoverable only under complex legal circumstances (which however protect any (and all) surrounding/present humans).


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