Will Buy Food Sign Poem

Person in Winter Coat Holding Jumbled Sign on Busy Street
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More about Will Buy Food Sign Poem

On a busy street corner, a man did stand,
With a sign in his hand, a humble demand.
"Will buy food," it read, in scrawled ink,
His eyes downcast, as he tried not to think.
He once had a job, a family too,
But life dealt him blows, and his luck was askew.
Now homeless and hungry, he pleaded for aid,
With a sign in his hand, a heart heavy with trade.
Passersby hurried, some stopped to stare,
But most just ignored him, with a distant air.
His stomach rumbled, as he held his sign tight,
Hoping for kindness, in the cold city's light.
Then one day, a stranger drew near,
With a warm smile and compassion sincere.
He handed him food, and listened with care,
To the man's story, so heavy to bear.
Moved by his plight, the stranger did more,
He offered him help, a chance to restore.
With a job and a home, the man found his way,
No longer needing, the Will Buy Food sign's display.
Grateful and changed, he paid it forward,
Helping others in need, as he had been spurred.
And the sign he once held, a symbol of his past,
Now a reminder of the kindness that forever will last.


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