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I stand at the threshold of creation. Reclamation begins.
We stand to grow, We stand to bring light to bloom. Let us work together, let our the bounty be great.
Let us step away from the precipice. Let our seeds of change nurtured by us, in turn their life nurture our bodies, and minds.
Let our sacrifices not be in vain, allow our legacy to be in the vein of love. I revive my dream, I look to house the poor with my will to grow. I wish to help my sisters, and brothers see the light cast upon their faces. I will nurture this soil, I will be the change.
Wisdom doesn't come from logic, it come from your spirit, gifts of love. It is a reflection of who you are what you have learned, your desire to reflect your love upon others. Knowledge is a great gift. Being able, willing to carry your brother, or sister through hard times is the embodiment of wisdom.
Allow your love for one another to be shown through your acts of grace. Be kind, be wise. Do not force others into the confines of expectation. Be who you are meant to be, let freedom reign.
Mistakes are always made. I am grateful for all those that can admit they were wrong, and change their ways. Forcing your will upon others isn't strength, it is stubborn, it is reckless. A path of arrogance that leads to inner pain.
My wish is for this world to heal, allow your inner light to be reflected to others. Dispel this darkness, for their ill fates are not yours, not ours. I am wise enough to know I can only improve my corner of the world. I ask everyone to do their part, don't allow their pain to rule our world. May our fabric we weave together become strong enough to restore humanity.
So I stand at the threshold of creation. I know what I plant now I will never live to see bloom into full being. I draw upon the greatest forces ever known. Love will show you the way. You must take each step to walk your path on your own. Yet we walk our paths side by side. If your lucky someone shall be brave enough to learn who you truly are. Return that care if you dare, show up, live a better way.
When it comes time to harvest your bounty, take no glee, no pain. Know it is part of life, and know it will be soon time to nurture the soil, and replant once again.
I wish you well, in knowing this you will understand true queens, and kings need no dazzling throne. They know earth is their home, and nature is their court.
Aaron Baker