The Technocrats...

Stylized digital characters with distinctive facial hair in vibrant attire playing chess
  • Twilights Engine 's avatar Artist
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    1yr ago
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More about The Technocrats...

They play chess with peoples lives. Their glazed defiant eyes sneering downward overlooking its subjects. Who will live? Who will die and who will serve them best? As the subjects begin to see the ugliness. The lies and deceit. The sorrows of unneeded countless loved ones deaths,. The isolation and pain, never forgotten. These are the technocrats that see themselves above any laws, hidden in the shadows, protected faceless, self-righteous evildoers. Will their time come? DPwOrKs2 group

Quote: We are giving power to people we do not know, for purposes we cannot prove, for exercise we cannot control while assuming they must be benign and beneficent without evidence and without scrutinising the circumstances of our blank cheque to them that we signed in the blood from relinquished control of our bodies. Giving the keys to the dungeon to these strangers in suits or jeans and white coats and expecting benevolence not evident in their belief system and rejected as irrelevant thereby, is the greatest common exercise in folly in human history. by James Tunney


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