The Game of Creation, part 1

Cosmic Landscape with Galaxies and Celestial Bodies
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More about The Game of Creation, part 1

Players of the Quantum Fields
Chapter 1: The Pre-Playground

Before the Creation—before time was even a rumor and space was little more than an undefined itch—there existed The Players. They had no form, but they were there. They had no purpose, but they were endlessly inventive. The Players floated in the Void, an infinite, quiet soup of potential.

One Player, who liked to go by the name Q, found himself feeling a bit... bored. Not that boredom, in any traditional sense, was even a thing yet. But Q had been hanging in the Void for what could’ve been a moment or an eternity (again, time wasn’t a thing), and it started to feel monotonous. So he began to poke and prod at the primordial Quantum Fields—which, at the time, were just abstract notions of possibility. A ripple here, a twitch there.

As Q played, other Players began to notice. One particularly sharp Player, known as Λ (but most Players called him "Lambda" for fun), floated closer.

“What’s that you’re doing, Q?” asked Lambda, intrigued by the shimmering ripples that Q had set in motion.

“I’m not sure,” Q admitted. “But look—if I push this and pull that, something happens.”

Q sent a ripple across the field, and suddenly a twist of energy looped back on itself. Lambda tilted his essence, examining the loop.

“Well, that’s clever,” he admitted. “But watch this.” Lambda took the loop and stretched it, spinning it until it formed a spiral. The spiral wobbled but held its form. The other Players were starting to gather around, intrigued by this new twist on nothingness.

Player Θ (Theta) was the next to jump in. “Interesting," she mused, "but what if we could make it stay longer?”

Theta reached into the quantum foam, pulling two oppositely charged points together. A brief flash of light—and there it was: the first elementary particle.

Read Chapter 2 under "How Big is the Bang?"


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