And don't turn your eyes away when you see me, I didn't do anything wrong...

Monochromatic Cityscape with Cosmic Vortex and Figure
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More about And don't turn your eyes away when you see me, I didn't do anything wrong...

I started life in the city slums,
And heard no good words.
As you hugged your children,
I was asking to eat, I was freezing.
And don't turn your eyes away when you see me,
I didn't do anything wrong...

- Neschastniy Sluchay, «The Sandpit Generals»

Я начал жизнь в трущобах городских
И добрых слов я не слыхал.
Когда ласкали вы детей своих,
Я есть просил, я замерзал.
И увидав меня не прячьте взгляд,
Ведь я ни в чём, ни в чём не виноват.

- Несчастный Случай, «Генералы песчаных карьеров»


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