Noah's Ark - Genesis Chapter 6 Poem

Surreal sunset scene with ark-like ship in dome over calm sea
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More about Noah's Ark - Genesis Chapter 6 Poem

In days of old, the world was steeped in sin,
God's heart was grieved, as evil spread within,
But Noah found favor in the Lord's eyes,
A righteous man, who sought the skies.
God spoke to Noah, a plan revealed,
To build an ark, a vessel sealed,
To save his family and creatures pure,
From judgment's flood, that would endure.
Noah obeyed, with faith so strong,
He gathered wood, and labored long,
He built the ark, according to plan,
As God's provision, in every span.
The ark was massive, a sight to see,
A refuge for all, who'd come to be,
Noah's family, and animals too,
God's covenant sealed, in this rescue.
The rain came down, the floods arose,
The ark floated high, as God imposed,
His judgment on the earth below,
But Noah's family, God did bestow.
For forty days and nights, it rained,
The ark endured, as God ordained,
Until the waters began to recede,
And dry land appeared, with signs of heed.
Noah and his family stepped ashore,
A new beginning, a promise in store,
God's rainbow arched, in colors bright,
A sign of grace, in radiant light.
In Genesis, this tale is told,
Of God's judgment and mercy bold,
Of Noah's faith, and God's great plan,
To save His people, by His own hand.
So let us learn, from Noah's tale,
To walk in faith, and never fail,
To trust in God, through storm and strife,
And find our refuge, in His life.


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