Titanics Captain Poem

Decorated naval officer in mustache on ship deck with clear sky and sea
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More about Titanics Captain Poem

The captain stood tall on Titanic's deck,
Commanding the ship, a respected check.
With a heart of duty, and a watchful eye,
He guided the vessel, reaching for the sky.
His years of experience, a steady hand,
Navigating the seas, a captain grand.
He knew the dangers, the icy threat,
But he steered the ship, without regret.
Through calm and storm, he stood his ground,
Leading his crew, with wisdom profound.
He made decisions, tough and bold,
As Titanic sailed, her story untold.
But fate had other plans that fateful night,
As iceberg loomed, a looming fright.
The captain acted, with all his might,
Trying to save the ship, before the tragic sight.
He gave the orders, to steer away,
But it was too late, on that fateful day.
Despite his efforts, Titanic struck,
And the ship's fate changed, by a sudden luck.
With courage and composure, he stayed on deck,
Ensuring the passengers were saved, a crucial trek.
He went down with his ship, a leader true,
A captain's legacy, forever anew.
In history's pages, his name shall live,
For his leadership, and courage to give.
The captain of Titanic, revered and true,
A hero in the face of a maritime rue.


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