Tower of Babel - Genesis Chapter 11 Poem

Fantasy castle with arches in desert landscape
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More about Tower of Babel - Genesis Chapter 11 Poem

Man in his pride, with plans so bold,
Built a tower, reaching high and bold,
To make a name, and reach the skies,
A monument, that touched the eyes.
In Shinar's land, they gathered strong,
With one language, and common song,
Brick by brick, they raised it high,
A tower that reached, to touch the sky.
But God looked down, with eyes so keen,
He saw their pride, their selfish gleam,
He confused their tongues, in just one day,
Their speech was scattered, in disarray.
No longer could they understand,
Each other's words, in their own land,
Confusion reigned, and chaos grew,
A humbling lesson, that God knew.
The tower stood, unfinished, still,
A monument to man's own will,
A reminder of pride's fleeting breath,
And God's sovereignty, over life and death.
In Genesis, this chapter tells,
Of man's ambition, and how it fell,
Of God's wisdom, and humbling grace,
To bring mankind, to seek His face.
So let us heed, this caution tale,
To humble ourselves, and not derail,
From God's design, and perfect plan,
To live in harmony, with our fellowman.


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