Just... amazing... how little attention ProVideo AI pays to prompts

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    1d ago

More about Just... amazing... how little attention ProVideo AI pays to prompts

I give up, it's just too unpredictable. Sure, ProVideo produces quite impressive & beautiful clips. BUT it refuses to pay more than token attention to the directives in your prompts. You have so little control over both the actions of people in your scene AND the setting, that it's essentially impossible to maintain any continuity or create a storyline that doesn't have the scene, set, characters, and/or costumes randomly changing in a truly jarring fashion.

Specifics - over the past week, 15 times now I've attempted to create a clip where she turns slightly to the left, follows the straight wall behind the dresser toward the left of the image until the dresser she starts out standing by disappears off the right edge, then finds & opens a door to reveal a bedroom through the doorway. I've tinkered & reworded the prompt a dozen times trying to pin the slippery AI down & get it to do what I *know* it is capable of; I have a clip for proof.

Other than the piping (stripes) on the skirt I got the *exact* scene I asked for the very first time I ran this prompt. After 5 or 6 attempts to fix the piping with prompting, I finally had to create a slow zoom with her standing still, grab a frame, & edit the edge of the skirt in an external image editor to get the piping to be there so this would be consistent with earlier parts of the compilation. The whole point of having her go left & move into a new room was to avoid showing areas that have already been seen in the preceding scenes, so I didn't have to worry about consistency and continuity.

About all I can say for this particular generation is the costume is right, & there is for a change a bedroom behind the door when she gets there. But instead of going left along the wall into an area previously unseen, the AI ignores those directions & sends her out into the center of the room where my clips started. In the 30 seconds since that was last visible, the window has gained curtains, & completely changed in about every other respect. There's suddenly a bed in the middle of what was before an empty floor. Previously all that was there was a table & mirror. Somehow a hallway has appeared that was never there before; NONE of which I made mention of in my prompt.

Pretty much guarantee that if I run this exact same prompt again, it will give me a wildly different useless result. The more you try to constrain the output to get what you want, the more the AI gets creative at finding new ways to ruin the shot. I've become more & more convinced the more I work on this that the way the prompt is processed makes it just about impossible to get any effective control over the final clip. Almost looks like your only choice is to get a prompt that reliably produces the elements you're looking for, then just keep running that prompt over & over until by random luck you FINALLY get something acceptable. I guess I have nothing better to do with my DDG energy. Color me frustrated and disgusted.


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