Janet and Julia's Fun Food Fight

Stylized Figures at a Festive Dining Table Scene
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More about Janet and Julia's Fun Food Fight

On Xmas Day, Janet and Julia got a bit tipsy, and had a spontaneous food fight with the leftover Xmas dinner. Funny dat, they did this last year too :) Luckily they had their friend Alexandra Crow's wishing rings to clean the room up afterwards, while they pushed each other into their garden pond to wash the food out of their fashionwear. Now you know why their outfits are so colourful :) They plan to spend the new year celebrations at Squish Park, so needless to say there is more "strange and painfully immature" (to quote Malvineous R. Nemesis from the Thameslink area) fun ahead :) They get free entry, as their mums designed the theme park rides :)


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