Rocking Chairs on the Porch Poem

Tranquil Sunset View from Balcony Overlooking Lawn and House
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More about Rocking Chairs on the Porch Poem

On the porch, with a view so grand,
Rocking chairs, in a gentle hand.
In rhythmic motion, back and forth,
A peaceful scene, of simple worth.
The sun sets low, a golden glow,
The gentle breeze, a soft hello.
The rocking chairs, creaking with ease,
A soothing sound, a lullaby's tease.
Memories shared, in whispered talk,
Of days long past, a cherished walk.
Of laughter, tears, and stories told,
In rocking chairs, weathered and bold.
Generations sit, side by side,
In rocking chairs, with hearts tied.
From young to old, a timeless scene,
Rocking chairs, where love has been.
The moments cherished, the memories made,
In rocking chairs, that never fade.
A place of solace, a haven of peace,
Rocking chairs, where worries cease.
As day turns night, the stars appear,
Rocking chairs, under skies so clear.
A sense of serenity, a calm embrace,
In rocking chairs, a cherished place.
So let us rock, on the porch so fine,
In rocking chairs, with hearts entwined.
In the company of loved ones near,
In rocking chairs, with hearts so dear.


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