AI is the enemy. Utterly maddening.

  • Pilindë Pebrimbor's avatar Artist
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    5d ago

More about AI is the enemy. Utterly maddening.

Another 260 energy down the tubes. The same prompt that's worked reliably for 5 previous generations suddenly fails, and she goes the wrong direction and utterly destroys the continuity of all the previous clips in what was supposed to be setting up the next set of clips I'll no doubt struggle for a week to get even approximately right.

Apparently it is too much to ask to get the same results reliably from the same prompt language. I've been literally cut n' pasting most of this as I slowly nail down exactly the language and pre-editing of my starting images needed to get everything at least CLOSE to right.

AI, you'll never work in Hollywood again. I'd pronounce a curse upon the silly collection of bits, but that probably violates standards or something. I think I'd curse AI to do EXACTLY what we users tell it to do, since that seems to be what it hates most. <sigh> See ya in 15 hours.


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