Animal Market

Anthropomorphic dogs in traditional attire at vibrant market with fruit vendor
  • Kiss The Bunny's avatar Artist
    Kiss The B...
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More about Animal Market

(ENG)Aniombo is the term used by all those beings that have animal features with anthropomorphic bodies (beastmen). A long time ago the different races of aniombos were slaves of the hominid races (which they call Apeombos; like humans, dwarves, elves, etc.). They spread throughout the South Sea, in a territory called The Savage Lands in nomadic or semi-nomadic tribes. The only large and stable settlement is Aniombo Port, a place where different races and tribes go to trade with foreign ships.

(ESP) Aniombo es el termino que usan los todos aquellos seres que tienen rasgos animales con cuerpos antropomórficos (hombres bestia). Hace mucho tiempo las distintas razas de aniombos eran esclavas de las razas homínidas (a los que llaman Simiombos; como humanos, enanos, elfos, etc). Se extienden por todo el Mar del Sur, en un territorio llamado Las Tierras Salvajes en tribus nómadas o seminómadas. El único asentamiento grande y estable es Puerto Aniombo, un lugar donde las distintas razas y tribus van comerciar con barcos extranjeros.

( )__( ) Kiss the Bunny


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