::SHE+ILA:: Opcodes -- F is for Function Code (ALU operation)

Three-Dimensional Glossy Purple Letter "F" on Dark Background
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More about ::SHE+ILA:: Opcodes -- F is for Function Code (ALU operation)

When ::ILA::, the datapath component of the ::SHE+ILA:: system, encounters an $F nybble, it parses the next nybble (at PC + 1) to see what sort of operation to perform.
A zero (making $F0) identifies a comment block, which is jumped over in Run Mode, and displayed only in Edit Mode.
A $1 (making $F1) indicates the start of a procedure or lambda block.
A $2 (making $F2) indicates the start of a parallel execution (multithread) block.
A $3 (making $F3) indicates the start of an event-wait (WT$LOR or WT$LAN) block.
A $4 (making $F4) indicates the start of a loop (like a "for" or "while") block.
A $F5 through $F9 are currently reserved for future expansion.
A $A (giving $FA) is an ALU operation (as in PEMDAS) or a REDUCE (as in +/ or .eq./) function code.
A $B (giving $FB) is an FBI (Fundamental Buf Interface) operator (such as Insert or Extract).
A $C (giving $FC) is a Class (object-oriented) operator.
A $D (giving $FD) is an inter-expression delimiter (like ";" in C++).
A $E (giving $FE) is like a "return", "break", or "exit" operation.
And finally an $F (giving $FF) is a "rub out" or "no operation" function, useful for debugging or breakpointing.
// TODO: Examples of source code go here -- but don't hold your breath (unless swimming underwater ). :)


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