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Exact same prompt as the last two times. Was going fine until a truly bizarre mirrored mutant door mess at the end that couldn't even get the reflection right. No idea where THAT came from. I am kinda proving the point I had begun to suspect; that prompt engineering is more or less pointless with such wild variance between different generations using precisely the same image and prompt.
I know how I *think* I cleaned up the mutant door foolishness before, if I actually did. But I may just keep running this same prompt again a couple more times. I am almost entirely convinced at this point that chasing small refinements on prompts is if anything counterproductive. Certainly tends to get overwhelmed by the extremely different results I've seen from running the exact same prompt three times in a row now. It appears I am about as likely to finally get a clean run by sheer chance as anything I can do. Almost looks like the only really valid prompt is "do something random".