Money for Nothing Poem

Futuristic character with cape and hat by lake at sunrise
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More about Money for Nothing Poem

A dream of riches, a chance so bright,
To strike it rich, day or night,
A job so easy, a life so grand,
With money flowing, at their command.
But soon they find, it's not all gold,
The price they pay, a story untold,
For money earned, without a fight,
May bring no joy, just emptiness, and blight.
A quest for wealth, a shallow race,
Leaving behind, a deeper grace,
For life's true value, cannot be bought,
It's found in moments, dearly sought.
So heed the lesson, clear and clear,
That money for nothing, may not endear,
But it's the journey, not just the gain,
That brings fulfillment, joy, and reign.


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