flower farms

flower farms
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More about flower farms

Once upon a time, during a summer trip to the flower farms in Alula, a group of teenage girls met who were collecting flowers for making various natural household remedies.

The farms were bustling with colorful flowers, while the girls wore bright, coordinated outfits perfect for the idyllic summer day. They threw beautiful smiles and chatted and laughed together as they gathered the flowers.

As their mothers had previously taught them how to make natural and effective home products, the teenage girls were able to turn the flowers into wonderful products that included a little bit of everything, including natural flavors and scents. It was a fun and exciting process, and the girls were taken by the bustle and uproar of working outdoors.

After hours of gathering flowers and turning them into natural household products, the girls had created a dish that contained a few samples of the products they had made themselves. They all smiled with pride and relaxation, admiring their accomplishments while walking down the main road with their bags full of beautiful flowers.

It was largely an enjoyable and delightful day for the girls, as opportunities for taking photos and capturing the most beautiful moments seemed endless. Upon their return home, and after retaining the spun and dried flowers filled with color, they always remember those wonderful memories with their sisters on the flower farm trip.


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