Crafted for Worship - Exodus 36 Poem

Three men weaving golden-hued threads on a large loom in a traditional workshop.
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More about Crafted for Worship - Exodus 36 Poem

Skilled hands and willing hearts,
Assembled with creative arts,
Craftsmen, weavers, all in line,
Building the tabernacle divine.
With joy and diligence, they worked,
No task neglected or shirked,
Generous hearts, giving their best,
For God's dwelling, they were blessed.
Fine linens woven with care,
Coverings, curtains, beyond compare,
Gold and silver, precious stones,
Fashioned into God's earthly thrones.
Generosity abounded wide,
As offerings poured from every side,
The people's faith and love so true,
In every stitch, a worship anew.
Exodus 36, a story of skill,
Crafted with reverence and will,
A testament to hearts of gold,
Building a sanctuary to behold.


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