Abraham's Hospitality - Genesis Chapter 18 Poem

Group of people in traditional attire gathered around small desert structure
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More about Abraham's Hospitality - Genesis Chapter 18 Poem

In Mamre's shade, on scorching day,
Abraham sat, in humble way,
When three strangers, he did see,
He ran to greet them, eagerly.
He bowed to them, with utmost respect,
And offered food, to their effect,
He washed their feet, with water pure,
Provided shade, and offered cure.
The strangers revealed, with wondrous might,
That Sarah would conceive, despite her plight,
Abraham laughed, with joy and cheer,
For Sarah was old, with age so clear.
But Sarah laughed, in disbelief,
"How can I bear, a child with grief?"
The strangers spoke, with faith so strong,
"Is anything too hard, for God so long?"
They shared with Abraham, their intent,
To destroy Sodom, where wickedness was sent,
Abraham pleaded, for righteous few,
To be spared, if any there were true.
He negotiated, with utmost care,
To save the city, from a fate so rare,
He asked for mercy, time and again,
For Lot, his nephew, and family's gain.
In Genesis 18, a tale is told,
Of Abraham's hospitality, so bold,
His kindness and faith, an example bright,
A lesson for us, to shine with light.
So let us learn, from Abraham's grace,
To welcome strangers, with warm embrace,
To show kindness, to those in need,
And let God's love, our actions lead.


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