The Banana Farmer Poem

Farmer in overalls walking through lush crop field with workers and sunlight.
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In a field so lush, where the sun shines bright,
There's a banana farmer, with pure delight.
With soil and sweat, he tills the land,
A farmer's labor, so truly grand.
He plants the seeds, with care and grace,
Nurturing the soil, in the perfect place.
He tends the crop, as it grows tall,
With patience and skill, he tends them all.
He shields them from the harsh sun's rays,
And shelters them from stormy days.
He watches them flower, and bear fruit sweet,
A farmer's pride, a wondrous feat.
He harvests the bananas, one by one,
With a sense of satisfaction, a job well done.
He fills his baskets, with nature's gold,
A treasure to behold, a story to be told.
From the farm to the market, his bananas go,
A labor of love, a livelihood to show.
Providing nourishment, to those in need,
A farmer's work, a noble deed.
Through sweat and toil, he perseveres,
Year after year, through hopes and fears.
For the love of the land, and the fruit it yields,
The banana farmer, with nature's fields.
So here's to the farmer, with hands so skilled,
A steward of the land, with a heart fulfilled.
For the bananas we enjoy, so sweet and pure,
Thank you, banana farmer, for all you endure.


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