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The picture shows I song, I wrote for my grandmother, who died as I was just one year old:
When I sleep,
My Ba goes on a travel,
In the Duat.
There I talk to you.
You stand next to me,
By my side.
You look like me in an older version.
We go along a way,
In the sevens hous,
The paradise.
You tell me, Osiris sees you like his daughter,
And you love him like a father,
And maybe, I will meet him soon.
And I wish, it’s not a dream,
And I wish it could be true,
Because I never had the chance to you get to know.
As I was a little child,
As I was just one year old, you’ve gone,
You gone from this world,
But your Ba and Ren came here.
I can not care,
If this version is true
Or just an imagine of my spirit.
Could this really be?
Do we really save the Maat and look Apophis in the eyes?
Must I really leave you now?
When I could see you the next time?
I hope, before I die!
And my Ba flies back to my sleeping body,
In the night.