The Mark of the Beast - Revelations Chapter 13

Digital Artwork: Leopard's Head Blended with Ocean Waves & Stormy Sky
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More about The Mark of the Beast - Revelations Chapter 13

A fearsome beast rose from the sea,
With seven heads and ten horns, an eerie decree,
Blasphemous names adorned its frame,
And power and authority, it boldly claimed.
The beast was like a leopard, swift and sly,
Its feet like a bear, ready to pry,
Its mouth like a lion, roaring loud,
Exuding power, drawing a crowd.
The world marveled, in awe and dread,
And followed the beast, with hearts misled,
They worshiped it, in awe-struck awe,
Admiring its power, with trembling jaw.
The beast was given, by the dragon's might,
Authority to rule, with great fright,
For forty-two months, it held sway,
Enforcing its mark, in a dire display.
A mark upon the hand, or on the head,
A number, the mark of the beast, widespread,
No one could buy, or sell, or trade,
Without the mark, a choice to be made.
But those who refused, to bow and kneel,
Were persecuted, with wounds to heal,
They held on to faith, unwavering strong,
Enduring tribulation, amid the throng.
Another beast, with lamb-like guise,
Exercised authority, with cunning eyes,
Performing great signs, to deceive the land,
Urging people, to follow the first beast's command.
But God's faithful, stood firm and true,
Refusing the mark, though the cost they knew,
For in their hearts, they held the truth,
And trusted in God's promises, from their youth.
Revelations Chapter 13, a warning clear,
Of deceptive powers, that may appear,
A call to discern, with wisdom's light,
And hold on to faith, in God's holy sight.


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