Justice Served - Deuteronomy Chapter 21 Poem

Stylized portrait of a cow with intricate hair curls in a classic European wig and posh blue
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More about Justice Served - Deuteronomy Chapter 21 Poem

In Deuteronomy Chapter Twenty-One,
God's laws of justice, second to none.
For crimes committed, or mysteries unsolved,
His guidance clear, for His people evolved.
A slain body, found unknown,
Atonement sought, for sins to atone.
A heifer's neck, broken and bled,
Atonement made, as God has said.
But for willful murder, a different fate,
No ransom paid, no pardon's gate.
The guilty found, shall face the due,
Justice served, as God's law rings true.
And for captives taken in war's embrace,
Their rights protected, God's grace in place.
Treated with kindness, and not enslaved,
Humanity honored, as God has paved.
For parents' discipline, a lesson laid,
Respect and honor, to be obeyed.
A stubborn son, rebellious in heart,
Justice served, as God's laws impart.
So let us seek God's justice fair,
In Deuteronomy Twenty-One, with care.
His ways are just, His guidance sure,
A beacon of light, forever pure.


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