::SHE+ILA:: -- Conditions and Guards [$11]

Vibrant Multi-Colored Tie-Dye Kaftan in Bright Bathroom
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More about ::SHE+ILA:: -- Conditions and Guards [$11]

*** This was meant to show a woman washing her hair with conditioner, but after three wrong render attempts it still shows an incorrect image!! So it is not worth the effort anymore !!! ***

There is no IF or GOTO statement in ::SHE+ILA:: (See Wirth's "GOTO bad practice" public article). Instead we may either use {? .... ?} or (falsebranch, truebranch) [boolean]. The latter form is a special case of a SWITCH statement, with only two branches. "falsebranch" and "truebranch" are either inline lambdas or procedure calls. The former form, {? guard : expression; guard : expression ?} is a special case of an event expresion (like Waitmsg () etc.) normally used where we are waiting for one of several events to occur (like WT$LOR), but when no events are enclosed, it again acts as a multiple-choice SWITCH, e.g. {? N.eq.1 : Janet ; N.eq.2 : Julia ; N.eq.0 : Message ?}; :)


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