The story of the Dark Souls series is set in a grim and desolate world known as Lordran, or in later installments, Lothric and other interconnected lands. At its core, the narrative revolves around cycles of rise and fall, the curse of undeath, and the struggle for power among gods, beings, and mortals.
In this world, a curse known as the Undead Curse plagues humans, condemning them to an eternal cycle of death and resurrection. The protagonist, often referred to as the Chosen Undead, Ashen One, or Unkindled, embarks on a quest through this bleak landscape, seeking to break the cycle and fulfill a destiny of great significance.
Throughout the journey, the player encounters a plethora of enigmatic characters, both allies and adversaries, each with their own motivations, histories, and roles in the grand scheme of Lordran's convoluted lore. These characters offer cryptic guidance, reveal fragments of the world's history, or pose formidable challenges as adversaries.
The overarching narrative unfolds through cryptic environmental storytelling, item descriptions, and occasional dialogues with these characters. As the player progresses, they discover the remnants of lost civilizations, unravel the interconnectedness of the world, and confront mighty, god-like entities that guard the fate of the universe.
The games explore themes of decay, destiny, sacrifice, and the cyclical nature of life and death. The story invites players to piece together the lore from fragments scattered throughout the world, offering multiple endings and interpretations that add to the mystique and depth of the Dark Souls universe. Ultimately, the journey of the Chosen Undead, Ashen One, or Unkindled is a quest for enlightenment, self-discovery, and the breaking of the perpetual cycle that plagues the land.