An ugly witch under the moon

Spooky zombie artwork under moonlit sky with bats
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More about An ugly witch under the moon

The witch under the moon is a cruel and human flesh-loving creature of the night. She is an ugly figure, known for her wickedness and evil deeds. The witch is believed to use her powers to manipulate people, haunt them with her curses, and inflict pain on those who cross her.

One legend claims that the witch uses a magical wand to transform herself into an animal and prowl around the darkness of the night. This brings fear to the people who live in fear of her presence. People also claim that she has a taste for human flesh and will eat any living thing that she can get her hands on.

The witch is usually described as being covered in ragged clothes. Her face is usually depicted as being wrinkled and bony with a long pointed nose. Her eyes are said to be dark and soulless and her hair is a mess of wild locks and unruly tangles.

The witch prefers to stay in the shadows, lurking in areas where people are least likely to be found. She is usually found at night, especially around full moons. It is believed that the darkness of the night gives her more power to manipulate the unsuspecting.

It is said that the witch is able to cast spells that can make bad things happen. This is why it is important to stay away from her at all costs, as she will use her spells to bring pain and suffering to any unlucky soul that crosses her path.

The witch under the moon has been around for many centuries. She remains a powerful and terrifying figure in folklore, leaving fear and dread in her wake wherever she goes. Her evil deeds and dark powers keep people away from the night, though some still dare to challenge her strength and risk their own lives in doing so.


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