

#portrait #psychology #soul #subconscious #surrealism

Model: AIVision
Prompt:  A female face opened by zippers, inside is a male face, mystical magical mind journey, surreal painting, oil on canvas, grotesque young beauty with clear realistic open eyes, by Ray Caesar and Salvador Dali and Zdzisław Beksiński, tendrils, hyper-detailed, intricate, eerie, colourful, cinematic lighting, cinematic postprocessing Try (73)
elegant extremely detailed 8k portrait very attractive beautiful award winning hyperrealistic high definition crisp quality Ivan Aivazovsky luminism Iridescent ©Susanne blue and gold and copper colours

More about Animus

Anima & Animus:
The concept of Anima and Animus is one of the most popular concepts of Jungian psychology. C.G. Jung described the animus as the unconscious masculine side of a woman, and the anima as the unconscious feminine side of a man, each transcending the personal psyche. Jung's theory states that the anima and animus are the two primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind.

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