Sister Erin O'Kay, priestess of Belmak

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More about Sister Erin O'Kay, priestess of Belmak

Sister Erin is the chief assistant to Abbot Canoby, one of the long-running player characters in the campaign. Erin has earned the right to be known by a more prestigious title, but tells everyone to keep calling her 'Sister' because she'd always be looking around to see which ranking priestess everyone is talking to if they call her anything else. She's a saucy redhead from a province also named Erin, and she's wont to add 'no relation'. She's a very skilled clerk and administrator who does yeoman work keeping the Abbot's schedule and sprawling duties humming along in an organized fashion.

Earlier in her career she taught school for a while, and still has a lot of the crisp, no-nonsense firm but fair attitude she found essential to keep young children in line. She's found that same approach invaluable when dealing with her boss and his adventuring buddies as well as the garrison at Castle Sibley and the other priests up at the Abbey. She's never yet *actually* whacked the hands of any of the grown men with the ruler she always has handy in her folio, but it's a running gag with everyone who knows her that she might if they annoy her enough.

As you can see if you look at the prompt, I did not actually ASK for an annoyed expression, but when runway gave her one I was quite amused. I am not sure who she's mad at and stalking, but even the DM is afraid to ask the good Sister who she's about to verbally flay when she's got her dander up. She has a good sense of humor, and is not above playing to her reputation for having a temper in a jesting way, but as several people have found out over the years, if you get her wound up she's a force to be reckoned with.


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