The Fall of Babylon - Revelations Chapter 18

Golden futuristic cityscape with towering skyscrapers against dusky sky
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More about The Fall of Babylon - Revelations Chapter 18

Babylon the great, a city of might,
A symbol of worldly power, shining bright,
But her time had come, her fall was near,
As prophesied by the seer.
An angel descended from above,
With great authority, and a message of love,
Declaring Babylon's doom, in clear voice,
A warning to all, to make a wise choice.
Her sins were piled high, to the sky,
Her luxury and wealth, built on a lie,
Deceiving nations, with her wares,
But her judgment, none could bear.
The kings, the merchants, the sailors too,
Mourned her fall, with hearts askew,
For in one hour, her riches vanished away,
Her glory faded, in disarray.
The merchants wept, for their loss,
The treasures they traded, turned to dross,
No more buyers, no more sales,
Babylon's fall, with dire wails.
But in heaven, a different sound,
Rejoicing saints, with praises abound,
For God's righteous judgment, had been done,
Babylon's reign, finally undone.
Revelations Chapter 18, a tale of warning,
Of worldly riches, and their morning,
A call to seek, God's kingdom above,
And not be swayed, by earthly love.


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