Demonic Boss of Bosses Norman Rockwell VERY GooD

Man with Deep-set Eyes and Vampire-like Features in Dark Suit
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More about Demonic Boss of Bosses Norman Rockwell VERY GooD

Demonic Boss of Bosses from the novel I am planning. Either horns or eyestalks come from the sutures on his forehead - or maybe he has been de-horned by his superiors, in which case he would logically be an underling in the NOLA crew, not their Big Boss after all. I still haven't decided - I just lucked up with these NOLA Boss images, the way they fit into a novel I'm planning when I was really just shooting for Lucifer and/or Satan a la Norman Rockwell.

This image c2023 A.J. Jones. All rights reserved.

A.J. Jones hereby asserts his right to be identified as the creator of this image.

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