Matriarch Old Elf Witch

Fantasy character in red and gold armor with pointed ears and autumn scenery.
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More about Matriarch Old Elf Witch

(ENG)The elves of Everautumn are a matriarchy ruled by witches where they perform human sacrifices to the demon Anvallus. Its fertile blessed lands attract hungry refugees who camp at the edges of the forests. Only a few human settlements have permission to live and cultivate these lands in exchange for donating their men as a sacrifice. This is the powerful Matriarch Winifred "The First", she is currently only performing ritualistic functions because her age has paralyzed her from the waist down, despite her condition she remains a strict and devout witch, who makes life impossible for everyone. person who stands in her way.

(ESP)Los elfos de Siempreotoño es un matriarcado gobernado por brujas donde realizan sacrificios humanos al demonio Anvallus. Sus fértiles tierras bendecidas atraen a los refugiados hambrientos que acampan en los lindes de los bosques. Solo unos pocos asentamientos humanos tienen permiso para vivir y cultivar estas tierras a cambio de donar como sacrificio a sus hombres. Esta es la poderosa Matriarca Winifred "La primera", actualmente se encuentra solo haciendo funciones ritualísticas por que su edad la ha paralizado de cintura para abajo, a pesar de su condición sigue siendo una estricta y devota bruja, que hace la vida imposible a toda persona que se ponga el camino de ella.

( )__( ) Kiss the Bunny


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