虎落平阳被犬欺 & 放虎归山

Tiger Emerging from Misty Jungle with Intense Eyes
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More about 虎落平阳被犬欺 & 放虎归山

In Chinese there's a popular expression "a tiger who find himself out on flat open plains can be bullied by dogs"
A related expression is “letting tiger go back into the mountain” (放虎归山). It means letting a dangerous opponent retreat to its native element.

In the vast expanse where plains extend,
A tiger roams, where borders blend.
Majestic and fierce, yet vulnerable still,
To the whims of fate, on open ground's thrill.

For in the absence of forest's embrace,
The tiger's strength finds a lesser place.
Bullied by dogs, in numbers they swarm,
The mighty beast amidst unfamiliar grounds.

But hark! A whisper from ancient lore,
A wisdom profound, from times of yore.
"Let the tiger go back into the mountains,"
Where strength is revered, in nature's fountain.

So let the tiger retreat, to its rightful domain,
Where mountains rise, and forests reign.
For there, in the shadows, its power shall soar,
Untouched by the whims of the plains' uproar.

In the mountains' embrace, the tiger finds grace,
A sanctuary where fears dissipate, replaced.
No longer bullied by dogs on the plain,
It reigns supreme, in its own domain.

In the dance of life, where challenges arise,
Let it go, & return to where our strength lies.
Like a tiger, under its mountain's embrace,
Finds resilience, in nature's space.

- ChatGPT & Marcus


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