Swamp Village

Swamp Village
  • Kiss The Bunny's avatar Artist
    Kiss The B...
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    5mos ago
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More about Swamp Village

(ENG) Swamp Pigsty Village is on the coast between the Witch Sea and the Central Sea. Despite being in a privileged location, the population is not very rich and lives in a dirty and stinky environment. Locals say the place is cursed because of witches who were driven out of the Stinking Swamp. Lately, people are starting to disappear and pests of insects and reptiles are ravaging the place.

(ESP) Villa Pocilga del Pantano está en la costa entre el Mar de las Brujas y el Mar Central. A pesar de estar en un lugar privilegiado, la población no es muy rica y vive en un entorno sucio y apestoso. Los lugareños dicen que el lugar está maldito por culpa de unas brujas que fueron expulsadas del Pantano Apestoso. Últimamente esta empezando a desaparecer gente y plagas de insectos y reptiles asolan el lugar.

( )__( ) Kiss the Bunny


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