birds on blooming tree

birds on blooming tree

#birds #blooming #tree

Model: Quantum (v2)*
Prompt:  A whimsical, fantastical, intricate and detailed painting of a group of cute, adorable, lovely, beautiful, and colorful birds perching on a branch of a blooming Saucer Magnolia tree. The birds are depicted in dynamic poses, playing and interacting with each other amidst the blooming magnolia flowers. lush and vibrant, with a dreamy and surreal atmosphere. surrealism, fantasy, and impressionism. detailed realism or magical realism, with elements of whimsy and enchantment. oil painting, acrylic painting, or digital painting would be suitable for this artwork. soft and diffuse, with a focus on creating a dreamy and otherworldly atmosphere. vibrant and playful, with a focus on pink, purple, blue, green, and yellow tones. dreamy, whimsical, intricate, playful, and magical. by James Jean, Jasmine Becket-Griffith, Camille Chew, Annie Stegg Gerard, and Elly Smallwood. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, 8K 3D, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K resolution. Try
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