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"Where shall we go today", asks Janet. "Where did we go yesterday", responds Julia. "Last thing I remember we were on a plane from Kenley Aerodrome in 1960", answered Janet. "Well it's 2025 now, so let's see what's happening in Squishy's Workshop", went Julia. "Are Squashy Lyndi and Tracy Wacy still in the filing cabinet?", mused Janet. "Nope, that place moved in 1990", responded Julia. "Where shall we go today", asks Janet. *** RECURSION LIMIT EXCEEDED AT ::F00FACE::!3!1 *** said Sheila. "Oops wrong runtime version", exclaimed Janet and Julia simultaneously (as measured in an inertial frame). A grinning cat suddenly materialised, carrying a geiger counter and a vial of poison. "That's one way to escape", giggled Janet.