eyes Lover

eyes Lover
  • : ناصـر العــنـزي :'s avatar Artist
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More about eyes Lover

Once upon a time, there was a boy who fell in love with a very pretty girl. She had extremely fine and silky black hair, big eyes, and a lovely face. He was mesmerized by her every time he laid his eyes on her. He couldn't believe his luck when she agreed to go on a date with him.

They spent a magical evening together, watching the pastel sky turn from rose to blue. They took a portrait together that captured her beauty perfectly. She looked very attractive, almost like a model with her dynamic lighting and stunning features.

He couldn't stop thinking about her after the date. He made a poster of the portrait they took together, and hung it on his wall. He would often stare at it, remembering the time he spent with her.

But as time passed, she became just a distant memory, fading in the background like a ghost of the past. He no longer saw her shiny black hair or her big beautiful eyes. The high definition of her face became blurred, and the colors of her portrait felt less vibrant.

He desperately tried to hold onto the memory of her, but it felt like it was slipping away. He realized that he was just a spectator in her life, and she had moved on to other things.

But even though she had become just a faded memory, the boy still held onto the feeling of his love for her. It was as if their pastel sky had turned into a watercolor painting, with shades of blue and rose blending together, always reminding him of her.


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