Tippetarius or Tip for short

Young girl in straw hat amidst golden fields
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More about Tippetarius or Tip for short

"Hello there, my name is Tippetarius, but you can call me Tip for short if you'd like. "
―The Marvelous Land of Oz (1904)

"Mombi's curious magic often frightened her neighbors, and they treated her shyly, yet respectfully, because of her weird powers. But Tip frankly hated her and took no pains to hide his feelings. Indeed, he sometimes showed less respect for the old woman than he should have done, considering she was his guardian. "

For as long as he could remember, Tip had lived with the old witch Mombi on a farm in the Gillikin Country of the magical Land of Oz. She was his guardian, but she treated the boy as a slave, always ordering him around and talking down to him. And for this cruel treatment, Tip hated Mombi.

Tip was later revealed to be the enchanted form of the long-lost daughter of the late King of Oz, long before the Wizard arrived and took over. The King was only known simply as Pastoria. Ozma is the last surviving heir to the imperial Throne of Fairy Queen Lurline. She now resides in the Royal Palace of Oz which is in the Emerald City. And she is the child Queen of Oz and its rightful ruler.

Princess Ozma and Tip are basically the same person.

From https://oz.fandom.com/wiki/Tip_(Novels)?so=search


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