Blond hair girl chapter 1.000000 (:

Blond hair girl chapter 1.000000 (:

#botticelli #geraldscarfe #klimt #ralphsteadman

Model: AIVision
Prompt:  Beautiful girl with big brown eyes, blond curly hair, umber, orange, and yellow colors, by Ralph Steadman, by Gerald Scarfe,transition between two styles in art,Creative,Vivid light, masterpiece, fantasy, , abstraction, surrealism, ultra detailed, high resolution,Ink drawing of something Japanese, vintage, digital illustration, comic style, perfect anatomy, centered, dynamic, detailed, watercolor painting, artstation, concept art, smooth, sharp focus, illustration,(soft light, sharp), professional photograph,(cinematic look), intricate details, soft cinematic light, (highly detailed skin:0.5), (bad flash), (skin texture:1.2), Watercolor, trending on artstation, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed, by greg rutkowski by gobi,portrait of a Beautiful oriental sensual woman with transparent dress floreal fantasy imperial colors in Art Nouveau by Annigoni, Egon Schiele, Milo Manara, Botticelli, Catrin Welz-Stein, Jean Metzinger, Klimt, perfect eyes, perfect handsface, highly detailed, William Morris background, complementary colors, hyper detailed. Watercolor and ink splatter, dynamic pose, dark blue background Try (16)

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