The Ephraimite's Pride - Judges Chapter 12 Poem

Regal African king digital artwork with golden earring and purple-blue attire against dusky sky
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More about The Ephraimite's Pride - Judges Chapter 12 Poem

In Judges Chapter 12, a story is told,
Of Ephraim's pride, so fierce and bold.
They quarreled with Jephthah, the victorious leader,
Demanding recognition, a jealous breeder.
Jephthah, the judge, had won the war,
But Ephraim's ego could not ignore.
They challenged Jephthah's authority,
With words and threats of superior superiority.
A bitter feud, within the clan,
A power struggle, part of the plan.
But Jephthah's wisdom shone so bright,
He diffused the conflict, with calm and might.
He reminded Ephraim of their past,
When they failed to help in the battle's blast.
He stood for peace, a wise display,
Avoiding needless strife that day.
The lesson from Judges Chapter 12,
Is to beware of pride's toxic spell.
To value peace, above ego's fight,
And choose wisdom, to set things right.
For pride can blind us, and cause us pain,
Leading to conflicts, loss, and strain.
So let us learn from Jephthah's tale,
To humble ourselves, and peace prevail.


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