The Imperial Princess at War XIII

Detailed Fantasy Armor with Red and Silver Elements and Cape
  • Aunalisa's avatar Artist
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More about The Imperial Princess at War XIII

The attempt on the imperial royal compound was thwarted by the quick action of the Imperial Princess, her success owing largely to the training she had received from the Dark Lord. However, her beauty was marred by a shrapnel wound that would take some time to heal, even with current Imperial technology.

The effect on the empire was to rally its citizens, especially the males, to join the military, a fact that the PR campaigns began to incorporate more imagery of the Imperial Princess in battle armor. This included staged battle scenes which were reported as real battles that the Imperial Princess had engaged in. It was in these staged battles that the Imperial Princess developed a real blood-lust for killing, with the true number of Imperial soldiers who died in these propaganda battles becoming a state secret.

For the empire, the Imperial Princess became its greatest hero and propaganda success.


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