For Gunta AI

For Gunta AI
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    1yr ago
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More about For Gunta AI

... all great results come with practice, repeating and exercise, Gunter AI said ... and so I got up very early this morning to conjure me some rabbits out of my hat.
Gunter AI also said, that the best way doing this is by throwing fridge magnets into a hat and speak a magic formula.
Than there should probably appear lovely rabbits.

Dear Gunta AI:
As you see here at the base image: Yes, it worked- somehow. As fast as I threw a fridge magnet into the hat, a rabbit appeared. And another one ... and some more.
And as you also can see: those were this kind of rabbits who are made to cause trouble: this group of sneaky vagabond dschingis-khan-rabbits completly ruined my kitchen!
Saucepans flew through the air, marmelade was spread all over the place and all of my loved coffee was gone within a few minutes. Dschingis-khan-rabbits love coffee more than anything.
To shorten this story: I catched them all at once and put them in the fridgerator to have my rest.
I then decided to give it one last try ...
At the picture I send with this letter, dear Gunter AI, you can see the final result: my new boygroup "The Great Ranger-Rabbits" - Magic formula 2.0
We are training just now some irish, scottish and german folksongs and I am sure that soon we will be world famous and rich.
Thank you so much for your great and wonderful inspiration.
Kind regards


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